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The Benefits of Strength Training

Of course, we all know working out in any capacity is good for us, but the benefits truly are endless. Strength training in particular is one of the best things one can do for oneself. Keep reading to find out why!

Lifting weights isn't just for men who want to look big and strong. Over the years, weightlifting and strength training has become increasingly popular among all, especially women. It seems as though more and more people are interested in building muscle and becoming stronger most likely for their physique, however, there are so many benefits to strength training many people do not know!

First and foremost, strength training is the BEST thing anyone can do for themselves. Stronger muscles = stronger tendons, ligaments, and bones = less pain and injury. On top of that, weightlifting is not just for looking like a bodybuilder. Anyone looking to "tone up", or even just lose weight will benefit tremendously from strength training. 

When you lift weights, you are literally putting micro-tears into your muscles. As soon as you're done doing damage (done working out), your body starts to repair those tears. What does your body need to repair them, (aside from protein)? ENERGY. And what is energy in your body? CALORIES! When you are physically working out you are burning calories, when you are done lifting your body continues to burn calories to repair them! This is why lifting heavy is much better and much more effective for fat loss than cardio alone. 

Your body also has to work a lot harder to maintain the muscle, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn in a day. This is why once you build a substantial amount of muscle you can continue to increase calories/food intake while maintaining your physique. 

Strength training has been shown to lower blood pressure, decrease bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and increase good cholesterol levels (HDL).

Other important benefits of strength training include increased walking speed, lower risk of injuries, mental health improvements, movement control, balance, improved cognitive abilities, and more. 

If you are going to do one thing in the gym for yourself, skip the treadmill, skip the cardio equipment and get lifting! 

(I am not saying cardio is bad by any means, it has its place and many benefits, but the benefits of strength training outweigh the benefits of cardio only. Want to be the best, combine both!)

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